Casper is a good-natured young ghost who calmly resides in a Maine house. James Harvey, a specialist, arrives with his teenage daughter, Kat, to speak with Casper and the other ghosts. Casper falls in...

5.80 310

Opus the Penguin, the main character of all three Breathed comic strips and a current Outland figure, serves as the focal point of the narrative. Opus is depressed since he can't fly because he's a pe...

7.60 393

The animated series "Looney Tunes Cartoons" premiered in 2001 and aired on The WB network. Set in the early 20th century, the series features characters and storylines inspired by the classic Looney T...

7.00 7.60 91

The adventures of a group of space cadets on the Terran carrier Tiger's Claw in the war against the Kilrathi. ...

6.40 6.60 109

The time traveling adventures of Professor Brown, his family and his friend, Marty McFly. ...

6.50 7.80 106

Beethoven is a dog, who was first discovered by Emily Newton in her bedroom one morning. All the family are soon introduced to the St. Bernard; however Newton family father George has his moments with...

6.90 7.60 92

The Land Before Time is an animated television series inspired by the film series created by Judy Freudberg and Tony Geiss. It follows the ongoing adventures of Littlefoot and his friends—Cera, Spik...

6.50 6.70 116

The comedic bird drives everyone around him wild with his zany antics and unpredictable behavior. Whether he's pulling pranks, making witty remarks, or getting into absurd situations, his relentless e...

7.80 6.70 119

The storyline follows a cast of vibrant characters, starting with Jim, an ordinary earthworm whose life takes a dramatic turn. Initially, Jim engages in typical earthworm activities, like fleeing from...

7.70 6.60 116

The series is set between 2119 and 2121 AD, several decades after humanity ("Terrans") has expanded beyond Earth by terraforming and colonizing Venus and Mars. These three planets, known as "the Homew...

6.00 6.90 75

The series chronicles the ongoing adventures of the Russian mouse, Fievel. ...

6.80 6.60 112

A gay superspy and his scrappy LGBTQ squad fight to prove themselves to the agency that underestimated them. Today, West Hollywood… tomorrow, the world! ...

6.70 6.80 11